Saturday, October 27, 2018

Modifier understanding shortcut

What is Modifier?
> Borhan is a boy.
> Borhan is a good boy.
> Borhan is a very good boy.
Modifier কোনো কিছুকে বিশেষিত করে, বা
কোনো কিছুর ভাবকে সম্প্রসারণ করে।
১ম Sentence এ বোরহান একজন সাধারণ
কিন্তু, ২য় Sentence এ boy এর আগে "good" যুক্ত
করে বোরহানএর বৈশিষ্ট্যকে আরো
করা হল। আবার, ৩য় বাক্যে good এর আগে
যুক্ত করে বৈশিষ্ট্যকে আরো সম্প্রসারণ
হল। একেই Modifier বলে।
★ Modifier এর প্রকারভেদ :
> Pre-modifier [যা কোনো parts of speech এর
আগে বসে তাকে modify করে]
> Post-modifier [যা কোনো parts of speech এর
পরে বসে তাকে modify করে]
1. Peu is the most intelligent student of the class.
[Student এর আগে most, intelligent বসে তাকে
মডিফাই করছে। সুতরাং, ইহা Pre-modifier]
2. I saw a man singing. [A man এর পরে ing যুক্ত
অংশ "singing" বসে তাকে মডিফাই করছে।
সুতরাং, ইহা Post-modifier]
এগুলো সবাই মোটামুটি জানো। এবার চলো,
Pre-modifier কি কি হতে পারে, সে
আলোচনা করি।
★ Pre modifiers :
→ Determiners [Articles + Demonstrative]
Determiners হল নির্দেশক, যা কোনো
নির্দেশ করে। So, Determiner হতে পারে
Demonstrative কোনো কিছুকে জোর দিয়ে
বুঝায়। This, That, These, Those হল
> Give me this book. [Pre-modifier: This]
> That pen is mine. [Pre-modifier: That]
> These peoples are gossiping [Pre-modifier:
→ Participles:
Participle গুলোও Pre-modifier এর কাজ করতে
পারে। যার মধ্যে রয়েছে
Present participle (v+ing)
Past participle (v3)
Perfect Participle (Having + v3)
> I saw a sleeping dog. [Pre-modifier: sleeping ]
> The worried man could not attend the meeting.
[Pre-modifier: worried]
> Having finished the work, I turned on the fridge.
[Pre-modifier: Having finished]
→ Intensifiers [very, too, so]
Intensifiers কোনো কিছুর তীব্রতা বৃদ্ধি
> He is very good. [Pre-modifiers: very]
> The behavior of Bishal is too rude. [Pre-
> The girl is looking so cute. [Pre-modifier: so]
→ Quantifiers/Adverb of quantity
[Much, more, little, a little, few, a few........]
কোনো কিছুর পরিমাণ বুঝাতে Quantifiers
Example :
> There is much pollution. [Pre-modifier: much]
> I have few books. [Pre-modifier: few]
> I don't have a few dreams. [Pre-modifier: a
→Adjective / Adverb
> I need driving license. [Pre-modifier/Adjective:
> He sells drinking water. [Pre-modifier/Adjective:
> The room was nicely decorated. [Pre-modifier/
Adverb: nicely]
→Possessive :
Pronoun এর Possessive form দ্বারা কোনো
কিছুর অধিকার বুঝায়।
> I love her talking. [Pre-modifier: her ]
> Their waiting was over. [Pre-modifier: Their]
→ Compound Word [হাইফেন যুক্ত শব্দ]
> You have to give up your back-dated ideas.
modifier: back-dated]
★ Post-modifier :
→ Appositive
Appositive কোনো noun/noun phrase সম্পর্কে
অতিরিক্ত ব্যাখা বা তথ্য প্রদান করে। এটি
সাধারণত যে noun সম্পর্কে অতিরিক্ত
দেয়, ঠিক তার পরেই বসে।
এবং Appositive এর শুরুতে কমা অবশ্যই বসবে।
শেষে কমা বা ফুলস্টপ বসতে পারে।
Appositive এ কোনো verb থাকে না। থাকলেও
non-finite হয়।
> Borhan Rabbani, a student of CU, is the founder
2 Minute Class .
[Appositive: a student of CU]
> Hero Alom, the dish supplier, is the most
hero nowadays.
[Appositive- the dish supplier]
Appositive কিভাবে post-modifier এর কাজ
চলো দেখি:
> Mr Maruf, principal of the college, is an honest
[Appositive- Principal of the college, modifying-
Maruf ]
> I like Hilsha, the national fish of BD.
[Appositive- the national fish of BD, modifying-
> I have visited Shilaidah, Tagore's house.
[Appositive: Tagore's house, modifying -
→ Present Participle Phrase
[V+ing] দিয়ে যখন কোনো phrase শুরু হয়, তখন
তাকে Present Participle Phrase বলে। Phrase এ
কোনো finite verb থাকতে পারবে না।
Example :
> I saw the old man standing behind the door.
[Present Participle Phrase- standing behind the
door, modifying - the old man]
→ Past Participle Phrase
[V3] দিয়ে যখন কোনো phrase শুরু হয়, তখন
তাকে past participle phrase বলে।
Example :
> I saw the man injured by an accident.
[Past Participle Phrase- injured by an accident,
modifying - the man]
→ Infinitive Phrase
[To+v1] দিয়ে যখন কোনো phrase শুরু হয়, তখন
তাকে Infinitive Phrase বলে।
Example :
> She got a nice pen to write with.
[Infinitive Phrase- to write with, modifying - a
→ Prepositional Phrase
Preposition দিয়ে কোনো phrase শুরু হলে
Prepositional Phrase বলে।
Example :
> A man with gray beard came here yesterday.
[Prepositional Phrase- with gray beard, modifying
A man]
→ Relative Clause
Relative Pronoun দিয়ে কোনো clause শুরু হলে,
তাকে Relative Clause বলে। আর Clause মানে,
একটি finite verb অবশ্যই থাকবে।
Example :
> The result that he has failed is true.
[Relative Clause- that he has failed, modifying -
result ]
→ Adverbial
Manner, Place, Time- এই ৩ টিকে বুঝায় এমন
কিছুকেই Adverbial বলে।
Place & Time বুঝানো হলে এটা Prepositional
Phrase হয়ে থাকে।
Manner বুঝালে এটা Prepositional Phrase নাও
হতে পারে।
Example :
> I slapped him strongly. [Adverbial of Manner-
Strongly, modifying - him]
> I slapped him at TSC. [Adverbial of Place- at
modifying - him]
> I slapped him at 10:00 AM. [Adverbial of Time-
10:00 AM, modifying - him]
→ Adjective / Adverb :
Adjective / Adverb এগুলা post-modifier এর কাজও
করতে পারে।
Example :
> I found something wrong in the matter.
[Adjective - wrong, modifying - something ]
> The women inside are always dependent.
[Adverb- inside, modifying - The women.]
[ কিছু ট্রিক ]
→ Adverb মডিফাই করবে:
১. Adjective কে
২. Verb কে
৩. নিজেকে নিজে
৪. Whole sentence কে
কাজেই, যদি instruction দেওয়া থাকে,
the Adjective/Verb/Adverb", তাহলে বুঝে নিবা,
গ্যাপ এ কোনো Adverb বসবে।
→ Adjective মডিফাই করবে
১. Noun কে
২. Pronoun কে
কাজেই, যদি ব্রাকেট এ instruction দেওয়া
থাকে, "modify the noun/Pronoun", তাহলে
নিবা, গ্যাপ এ কোনো Adjective বসবে।

Friday, October 26, 2018

ict suggestion 2019

**Final Suggestion for ICT** 2019
***Share & Mention Your Friends***
সাজেশনটা শুধুমাত্র সৃজনশীল এর জন্য।
নৈবক্তিক এ ভাল করতে হলে পুরো বই
ভাল করে পড়তে হবে। আর দুইটা
লেখকের বই থেকে টপিক্সগুলা পড়লে
সম্পূর্ণ হবে। নায়লে ঘাটতি থেকেই
যাবে। আর আশা করি এই
টপিক্সগুলো থেকেই সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন
থাকবে ইনশাল্লাহ।
# ১ম_অধ্যায়
***টেলি/ভিডিও কনফারেন্সিং
*** ভার্চুয়াল রিয়ালিটি
** কৃত্তিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা
*** রোবটিক্স
*** ক্রায়োসার্জারি
*** বায়োমেট্রিক্স
* বায়োইনফরমেট্রিক্স
**জেনেটিক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং
***ন্যানো টেকনোলজি
**সাইবার ক্রাইম
# ২য়_অধ্যায়
* ডেটা কমিউনিকেশন
***সিনক্রোনাস & অ্যাসিনক্রোনাস
**ট্রান্সমিশন মোড
***ফাইবার অপটিকেল কেবল
***ওয়াই-ফাই & ওয়াইম্যাক্স
*** টপোলজি(বাস,রিং,স্টার)
**ক্লাউড কম্পিউটিং
# ৩য়_অধ্যায়
***বাইনারি যোগ বিয়োগ
*** ২ এর পরিপূরক
**বুলিয় বিজগণিত
***ডি মরগানের সূত্র
*** সত্যক সারণি
***মৌলিক গেইট(AND, OR, NOT)
***যৌগিক গেইট(NAND, NOR, X-OR, X-NOR)
*** NAND & NOR GATE এর সার্বজনীনতাবা
# ৪র্থ_অধ্যায়
*** Tag, Text formatting
***টেবিল তৈরি
*** হাইপারলিংক
***ইমেজ যুক্ত করা
**ডোমেইন নেম,হোম পেজ, WWW,আইপি
# ৫ম_অধ্যায়
***প্রোগ্রামের ভাষা
***অনুবাদক প্রোগ্রাম(কম্পাইলার &
***অ্যালগরিদম & ফ্লোচার্ট
***সি প্রোগ্রামিং( যেকোন একটি
প্রোগ্রাম করার কোড থাকবেই)
*** ডেটা টাইপ, চলক,ধ্রুবক, কীওয়ার্ড,
# ৬ষ্ঠ_অধ্যায়
***ডেটাবেজ(ডেটা, রেকর্ড, ফিল্ড,
এনটিটি, এট্রিবিউট, ভ্যালু)
*** কী
**ডেটা টাইপ
*** SQL কুয়েরি
*** সর্টিং & ইন্ডেক্সিং
*** এনক্রিপশন
ডেটাবেজ তৈরি করা।
সৃজনশীলের জন্য এগুলোই যথেষ্ঠ।

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Hsc c programming questions and answers

"""এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা ২০১৯ ইং 'তথ্য ও
যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি' - পঞ্চম অধ্যায়ের সি-
প্রোগ্রামিং যেগুলো প্রায় ১০০% পরীক্ষায়
২.১ ত্রিভূজের ক্ষেত্রফল নির্ণয়ের জন্য
প্রোগ্রাম লিখ।
প্রোগ্রাম কোড:
# include <stdio.h>
int main()
float base,height,area;
printf(“\n Enter base of the triangle =”);
printf(“\n Enter height of the triangle=”);
printf(“\n Area of a triangle is=
২.২ বৃত্তের ক্ষেত্রফল নির্ণয়ের জন্য
প্রোগ্রাম লিখ।
প্রোগ্রাম কোড:
int radius;
float area,pi=3.14;
printf(“\n Enter the value of radius:”);
area= pi*radius*radius;
printf(“\n Area of a circle is :%f”,area);
২.৩ সেলসিয়াস তাপমাত্রাকে
ফারেনহাইট তাপমাত্রায় রুপান্তরের
জন্য প্রোগ্রাম লিখ।
প্রোগ্রাম কোড:
float c,f;
printf(“\n Enter the Celsius
printf(“\n Fahrenheit temperature is
২.৪ কোন সংখ্যা জোড় কিনা, তা
নিণর্য়ের জন্য প্রোগাম লিখ।
প্রোগ্রাম কোড:
int main()
int n;
printf(“\n Enter any integer number:”);
printf(“\n Your number is even.”);
printf(“\n Your number is odd.”);
২.৫ কোন একটি সাল লিপ ইয়ার কিনা,
তা নির্ণয়ের জন্য একটি প্রেগ্রাম
প্রোগ্রাম কোড:
int main()
int year;
printf(“\n Enter the year (4 Digit) to
if(year%400==0|| (year%100!=0&&year
printf(“%d is a leap year.”,year);
printf(“%d is not a leap year.”,year);
২.৬ ১+২+৩+…………….+N সিরিজের
যোগফল নির্ণয়ের জন্য প্রোগ্রাম
প্রোগ্রাম কোড:
int s=0;
int i=1;
int n;
printf(“\n Enter the total number of
printf(“\n The sum of the value is
২.৭ ১ +২ +৩ +……………..+N
সিরিজের যোগফল নির্ণয়ের জন্য
প্রোগ্রাম লিখ।
প্রোগ্রাম কোড:
int i=1,sum=0,number;
printf(“\n Enter the last number of the
printf(“n The Series is:”);
printf(“n Summation=%d”,sum);

Friday, October 12, 2018


Question paper leaking is one of the most common and unwanted topic of nowadays. It has been used as a means of unfair way of being passed in a public examination or to get an admission in the universities or to get a job. It has become so frequent nowadays. If there is a public examination in the country, it is heard that the question paper is leaked out. Sometimes, the authority postpones the examination, sometimes the scheduled examination is held with the leaked question paper. More or less, the examinees are the worst sufferer who toil day and night for passing in the examination.
The question paper leak has been very prominent nowadays. This phenomenon is occurring in the Primary School Certificate exam, the Junior School Certificate exam, the Secondary School Certificate exam, the Higher Secondary Certificate exam. The admission test in the public universities is also menaced by this crime. The government recruitment examinations papers are also leaked be some people for their personal interest. The question paper of the medical admission test has recently leaked. This issue is causing a huge protest from the students demanding the cancellation of this exam. In this case, the government is trying to catch the criminals behind this act. But the government is also in a dilemma.
A good number of people are engaged in leaking question papers in Bangladesh. Rather, there has been a syndicate which is very much active in leaking question papers before the exams. There is a lack of confidentiality among the organizations and the Bangladesh Government Press. Moreover, the people who have the administrative power are misusing their power for personal interest.
The coaching centres of SSC, JSC, PSC, HSC, university and medical admission coaching centres are accelerating the crime of questions paper leak. Most often they collect question and sell those question papers to their students at a high price.
To leak the question paper is considered as a crime. It is the result of moral degradation
So everyone of us should be more careful and try to create awareness against question leaking otherwise our nation will  lag behind.


Environment pollution
All our surroundings including air, water, soil, trees, and animals make up our environment. When the normal relations among these elements of natures are disturbed, the ecological balance is hampered and it is called environmental pollution. Environment is polluted by way of pollution of the factors that constitute it. Air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and odour pollution together with deforestation are the main conditions that pollute environment. The impact of environment pollution is very dangerous. The smoke from factories and other vehicles contains harmful substances like carbon-monoxide and sulfur-di-oxide. These hamper the cleanliness of the air. Mills and factories set up on river banks let out chemical wastes in to the river water. These poisonous substances are destroying the plants and aquatic life. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers used in agriculture are also polluting water. When people drink this water or take a bath in the polluted water, they are attacked with stomach and skin diseases. Besides, the birds and beasts have to lose their habitats and are badly affected by environment pollution which may often bring about the extinction. Environmental pollution may be controlled by taking different measures. We may increase after station. If trees are planted in large  numbers, we can be benefited in different ways. Trees also increase rainfall and prevent air pollution. Laws should be passed to prevent factories from dumping wastes. Moreover, every conscious individual and institution should come forward to solve this problem for the sake of our existence.


Question paper leaking is one of the most common and unwanted topic of nowadays. It has been used as a means of unfair way of being passed in a public examination or to get an admission in the universities or to get a job. It has become so frequent nowadays. If there is a public examination in the country, it is heard that the question paper is leaked out. Sometimes, the authority postpones the examination, sometimes the scheduled examination is held with the leaked question paper. More or less, the examinees are the worst sufferer who toil day and night for passing in the examination.
The question paper leak has been very prominent nowadays. This phenomenon is occurring in the Primary School Certificate exam, the Junior School Certificate exam, the Secondary School Certificate exam, the Higher Secondary Certificate exam. The admission test in the public universities is also menaced by this crime. The government recruitment examinations papers are also leaked be some people for their personal interest. The question paper of the medical admission test has recently leaked. This issue is causing a huge protest from the students demanding the cancellation of this exam. In this case, the government is trying to catch the criminals behind this act. But the government is also in a dilemma.
A good number of people are engaged in leaking question papers in Bangladesh. Rather, there has been a syndicate which is very much active in leaking question papers before the exams. There is a lack of confidentiality among the organizations and the Bangladesh Government Press. Moreover, the people who have the administrative power are misusing their power for personal interest.
The coaching centres of SSC, JSC, PSC, HSC, university and medical admission coaching centres are accelerating the crime of questions paper leak. Most often they collect question and sell those question papers to their students at a high price.
To leak the question paper is considered as a crime. It is the result of moral degradation
So everyone of us should be more careful and try to create awareness against question leaking otherwise our nation will  lag behind. ....


Uses and Abuses of Facebook
Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. There are many social networking sites in the word Twitter, Google Plus, My space etc. But it is the largest of the other networking sites of the world. Facebook was founded in 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg and originally called the Facebook. It began as a college networking website and was quickly successful on campus and expanded beyond Harvard into other schools. At that time, it was only available to schools, universities, organizations, and companies within English speaking countries. Later it was extended to include anyone and everyone.
Facebook users create a profile page that includes the following: Information, Status, Friends, and Friends in Other Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The Wall. As a result, everyone within that network can view the profile. Users are able to search for friends and acquaintances by e-mail address, school, university, or just by typing in a name or location in the search box. When people become friends, they are able to see all of each other’s profiles including contact information. A popular feature on Facebook is to share photographs uploaded from a phone, camera, or computer. A person can make a video call to any one of his friend list. Nowadays business has been largely dependent on Facebook for promotion and marketing. But, with the advantage of Facebook, nowadays cybercriminals are committing many crimes. Above all, Facebook has become a part and parcel in the communication system..

Report writing on ROHINGYA CRISIS

Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh report writing
Staff Reporter: Rohingya in Bangladesh refer to the refugees from Myanmar living in Bangladesh. An estimated 8,50,000 to 9,50,000 Rohingya people have fled to Bangladesh since 25 August 2017, to avoid ethnic and religious persecution by Myanmar’s security forces. There are more 300,000 Rohingyas living in Bangladesh who fled in earlier violence from the Burmese government over the last three decades.
Officially, Myanmar’s government does not recognize the Rohingya as lawful citizens. The government claims they were brought to Rakhine from Bangladesh during the time when Myanmar was a British colony, and the government says they are living in Myanmar illegally.
The refugees who are living in Bangladesh are suffering from many humanitarian problems. They suffer from food, shelter, water and sanitation problems. Women and children are the worst sufferers. They have no scope to take a bath. For this they are becoming sick and getting affected by diseases.
Now The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) is working closely with IOM and other agencies to establish a new 2,000 acre site. As of now, this site is undeveloped and has no available services or capacity. Site planners and engineers are working on access roads and layout of this large site to allow provision of services. Until then, services and assistance are still required in the spontaneous and makeshift settlements and affected host community villages throughout Cox’s bazar..


Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh refer to the refugees from Myanmar living in Bangladesh. An estimated 8,50,000 to 9,50,000 Rohingya people have fled to Bangladesh since 25 August 2017, to avoid ethnic and religious persecution by Myanmar’s security forces. There are more 300,000 Rohingyas living in Bangladesh who fled in earlier violence from the Burmese government over the last three decades. Officially, Myanmar’s government does not recognize the Rohingya as lawful citizens. The government claims they were brought to Rakhine from Bangladesh during the time when Myanmar was a British colony, and the government says they are living in Myanmar illegally.
The refugees who are living in Bangladesh are suffering from many humanitarian problems. They suffer from food, shelter, water and sanitation problems. Women and children are the worst sufferers. They have no scope to take a bath. For this, they are becoming sick and getting affected by diseases. Now The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) is working closely with IOM and other agencies to establish a new 2,000-acre site. Site planners and engineers are working on access roads and layout of this large site to allow the provision of services. Until then, services and assistance are still required in Rohingya’s villages throughout Cox’s Bazar.
(Rohingya, they’ve been described as the “world’s most persecuted minority”. The Rohingya are a majority-Muslim ethnic group who have lived in the Buddhist nation of Myanmar for centuries. They have faced persecution at the hands of Myanmar’s military since the country’s independence in the late 1940s. Buddhists in Myanmar believe that Rohingya are Bengali who migrated to Myanmar illegally during the British rule in the subcontinent. Recently, a military crackdown held in August 2017 which creates a new mass exodus of Rohingyas towards Bangladesh and many other countries. Most Rohingya have sought refuge in and around Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. There they spend their days and nights in an inhuman condition. Bangladesh govt and foreign organizations try their utmost to handle this situation. But it is getting worse day by day. UNO, Turkey and many other Muslim and non-muslim countries are trying to stop this heinous work of Myanmar govt. Though their state councilor ONG SAN SUKI declared that she will give all the rights of Rohingya)

Paragraph on INTERNET

Internet is one of the most important inventions in history. It is a network which can connect computers, mobile phone and other machines around the world. Millions of people from all over the world use it every day. Internet has made the world a real global village which allows us to travel, pay bills or do the shopping without going out from our houses. We can read newspapers, play games or even plan our holidays. We are now able to download music and films in no time. We can also communicate with other people from all over the world with the help of mobile and computer based applications like IMO, Whatsapp, Viber etc.There are some websites like Facebook and Twitter by which we can also communicate with our family and friends, share photos and videos with them. We can share anything with each other. One of the most useful things is electronic mail which is known as E-mail. We can send any document faster than regular post and even air mail. We find any types of information, images and videos by searching it on Google. We can find everything for our schoolwork or job there. There are some demerits of internet also. Some web sites are not suitable for children and teenagers. Hackers sometimes hack websites or personal information and demand huge sum of money.  In conclusion, Internet has more good sides than bad ones. Though it has few disadvantages, we cannot think a moment without internet. Today’s world is now greatly dependent on Internet and this is also important for globalization.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Modifiers hsc

Use Of Modifiers .......
What is Modifier?
> Borhan is a boy.
> Borhan is a good boy.
> Borhan is a very good boy.
Modifier কোনো কিছুকে বিশেষিত করে, বা
কোনো কিছুর ভাবকে সম্প্রসারণ করে।
১ম Sentence এ বোরহান একজন সাধারণ
কিন্তু, ২য় Sentence এ boy এর আগে "good" যুক্ত
করে বোরহানএর বৈশিষ্ট্যকে আরো
করা হল। আবার, ৩য় বাক্যে good এর আগে
যুক্ত করে বৈশিষ্ট্যকে আরো সম্প্রসারণ
হল। একেই Modifier বলে।
★ Modifier এর প্রকারভেদ :
> Pre-modifier [যা কোনো parts of speech এর
আগে বসে তাকে modify করে]
> Post-modifier [যা কোনো parts of speech এর
পরে বসে তাকে modify করে]
1. Peu is the most intelligent student of the class.
[Student এর আগে most, intelligent বসে তাকে
মডিফাই করছে। সুতরাং, ইহা Pre-modifier]
2. I saw a man singing. [A man এর পরে ing যুক্ত
অংশ "singing" বসে তাকে মডিফাই করছে।
সুতরাং, ইহা Post-modifier]
এগুলো সবাই মোটামুটি জানো। এবার চলো,
Pre-modifier কি কি হতে পারে, সে
আলোচনা করি।
★ Pre modifiers :
→ Determiners [Articles + Demonstrative]
Determiners হল নির্দেশক, যা কোনো
নির্দেশ করে। So, Determiner হতে পারে
Demonstrative কোনো কিছুকে জোর দিয়ে
বুঝায়। This, That, These, Those হল
> Give me this book. [Pre-modifier: This]
> That pen is mine. [Pre-modifier: That]
> These peoples are gossiping [Pre-modifier:
→ Participles:
Participle গুলোও Pre-modifier এর কাজ করতে
পারে। যার মধ্যে রয়েছে
Present participle (v+ing)
Past participle (v3)
Perfect Participle (Having + v3)
> I saw a sleeping dog. [Pre-modifier: sleeping ]
> The worried man could not attend the meeting.
[Pre-modifier: worried]
> Having finished the work, I turned on the fridge.
[Pre-modifier: Having finished]
→ Intensifiers [very, too, so]
Intensifiers কোনো কিছুর তীব্রতা বৃদ্ধি
> He is very good. [Pre-modifiers: very]
> The behavior of Bishal is too rude. [Pre-
> The girl is looking so cute. [Pre-modifier: so]
→ Quantifiers/Adverb of quantity
[Much, more, little, a little, few, a few........]
কোনো কিছুর পরিমাণ বুঝাতে Quantifiers
Example :
> There is much pollution. [Pre-modifier: much]
> I have few books. [Pre-modifier: few]
> I don't have a few dreams. [Pre-modifier: a
→Adjective / Adverb
> I need driving license. [Pre-modifier/Adjective:
> He sells drinking water. [Pre-modifier/Adjective:
> The room was nicely decorated. [Pre-modifier/
Adverb: nicely]
→Possessive :
Pronoun এর Possessive form দ্বারা কোনো
কিছুর অধিকার বুঝায়।
> I love her talking. [Pre-modifier: her ]
> Their waiting was over. [Pre-modifier: Their]
→ Compound Word [হাইফেন যুক্ত শব্দ]
> You have to give up your back-dated ideas.
modifier: back-dated]
★ Post-modifier :
→ Appositive
Appositive কোনো noun/noun phrase সম্পর্কে
অতিরিক্ত ব্যাখা বা তথ্য প্রদান করে। এটি
সাধারণত যে noun সম্পর্কে অতিরিক্ত
দেয়, ঠিক তার পরেই বসে।
এবং Appositive এর শুরুতে কমা অবশ্যই বসবে।
শেষে কমা বা ফুলস্টপ বসতে পারে।
Appositive এ কোনো verb থাকে না। থাকলেও
non-finite হয়।
> Borhan Rabbani, a student of CU, is the founder
2 Minute Class .
[Appositive: a student of CU]
> Hero Alom, the dish supplier, is the most
hero nowadays.
[Appositive- the dish supplier]
Appositive কিভাবে post-modifier এর কাজ
চলো দেখি:
> Mr Maruf, principal of the college, is an honest
[Appositive- Principal of the college, modifying-
Maruf ]
> I like Hilsha, the national fish of BD.
[Appositive- the national fish of BD, modifying-
> I have visited Shilaidah, Tagore's house.
[Appositive: Tagore's house, modifying -
→ Present Participle Phrase
[V+ing] দিয়ে যখন কোনো phrase শুরু হয়, তখন
তাকে Present Participle Phrase বলে। Phrase এ
কোনো finite verb থাকতে পারবে না।
Example :
> I saw the old man standing behind the door.
[Present Participle Phrase- standing behind the
door, modifying - the old man]
→ Past Participle Phrase
[V3] দিয়ে যখন কোনো phrase শুরু হয়, তখন
তাকে past participle phrase বলে।
Example :
> I saw the man injured by an accident.
[Past Participle Phrase- injured by an accident,
modifying - the man]
→ Infinitive Phrase
[To+v1] দিয়ে যখন কোনো phrase শুরু হয়, তখন
তাকে Infinitive Phrase বলে।
Example :
> She got a nice pen to write with.
[Infinitive Phrase- to write with, modifying - a
→ Prepositional Phrase
Preposition দিয়ে কোনো phrase শুরু হলে
Prepositional Phrase বলে।
Example :
> A man with gray beard came here yesterday.
[Prepositional Phrase- with gray beard, modifying
A man]
→ Relative Clause
Relative Pronoun দিয়ে কোনো clause শুরু হলে,
তাকে Relative Clause বলে। আর Clause মানে,
একটি finite verb অবশ্যই থাকবে।
Example :
> The result that he has failed is true.
[Relative Clause- that he has failed, modifying -
result ]
→ Adverbial
Manner, Place, Time- এই ৩ টিকে বুঝায় এমন
কিছুকেই Adverbial বলে।
Place & Time বুঝানো হলে এটা Prepositional
Phrase হয়ে থাকে।
Manner বুঝালে এটা Prepositional Phrase নাও
হতে পারে।
Example :
> I slapped him strongly. [Adverbial of Manner-
Strongly, modifying - him]
> I slapped him at TSC. [Adverbial of Place- at
modifying - him]
> I slapped him at 10:00 AM. [Adverbial of Time-
10:00 AM, modifying - him]
→ Adjective / Adverb :
Adjective / Adverb এগুলা post-modifier এর কাজও
করতে পারে।
Example :
> I found something wrong in the matter.
[Adjective - wrong, modifying - something ]
> The women inside are always dependent.
[Adverb- inside, modifying - The women.]
[ কিছু ট্রিক ]
→ Adverb মডিফাই করবে:
১. Adjective কে
২. Verb কে
৩. নিজেকে নিজে
৪. Whole sentence কে
কাজেই, যদি instruction দেওয়া থাকে,
the Adjective/Verb/Adverb", তাহলে বুঝে নিবা,
গ্যাপ এ কোনো Adverb বসবে।
→ Adjective মডিফাই করবে
১. Noun কে
২. Pronoun কে
কাজেই, যদি ব্রাকেট এ instruction দেওয়া
থাকে, "modify the noun/Pronoun", তাহলে
নিবা, গ্যাপ এ কোনো Adjective বসবে।
আশা করি, সবাই Modifier বুঝাতে

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Hsc English suggestion

HSC Suggestion 2019
★English first paper -
Paragraph :
1.Global Warming
2. Rohingya issue
3. Environment pollution
4. Climate change
5. A book fair
Completing story :
1. Child Bayzid & his mother
2. Honest Woodcutter
3. A friend is need, a friend is in need.
4. Grasp all, lose all
5. Hidden treasures
Informal letter / email :
1. Brilliant success
2. Importance of reading newspapers
3. Birthday invitation
4. Arranging picnic
5. Consoling on Father death
Short story / poem
2. Under the greenwood tree
3. A heart full of love
4. Ozymandis
*** *** *** *** ***
★English second paper -
Formal letter :
1. For setting up any club (English beating club/
computer club /library /common room)
2. Sound system in class room.
3. Going on a study tour.
4. Arranging Rabindro uthshob.
5. Organizing a cricket /football tournament.
Report :-
1. Rohingya crisis.
2. Questions leak
3. Slum dwellers
4. Price hike
5. Misuses of internet /FB/Mobile
6 arranged victory day/ Annul sports/
Paragraph :
1. Human trafficking
2. Drug addiction
3. Traffic jam
4. Technology ( Mobile /computer / FB/Internet)
5. College magazine
Composition :
1. Women impowerment
2. Wonders of science
3. Journey by boat /train /plane
4. Childhood memories
5. Population of Bangladesh
6.Fmale Education
7.Environment Pollution

Friday, October 5, 2018

Environment pollution

All our surroundings including air, water, soil, trees, and animals make up our environment. When the normal relations among these elements of natures are disturbed, the ecological balance is hampered and it is called environmental pollution. Environment is polluted by way of pollution of the factors that constitute it. Air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and odour pollution together with deforestation are the main conditions that pollute environment. The impact of environment pollution is very dangerous. The smoke from factories and other vehicles contains harmful substances like carbon-monoxide and sulfur-di-oxide. These hamper the cleanliness of the air. Mills and factories set up on river banks let out chemical wastes in to the river water. These poisonous substances are destroying the plants and aquatic life. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers used in agriculture are also polluting water. When people drink this water or take a bath in the polluted water, they are attacked with stomach and skin diseases. Besides, the birds and beasts have to lose their habitats and are badly affected by environment pollution which may often bring about the extinction. Environmental pollution may be controlled by taking different measures. We may increase after station. If trees are planted in large  numbers, we can be benefited in different ways. Trees also increase rainfall and prevent air pollution. Laws should be passed to prevent factories from dumping wastes. Moreover, every conscious individual and institution should come forward to solve this problem for the sake of our existence.